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its a good question i need to find out the same thing for a project at school good luck finding out.... all the best ME

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Q: How long would it take to travel from Earth to Mercury if you are traveling at 200 000 kilometers per hour?
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What is mercury sized compared to earth?

The diameter of Mercury is 4,879 kilometers, which is about 38 percent of Earth's diameter. Earth is about three times the size of Mercury.

How many hours does it take light to get to the Earth from the Sun?

It only takes sunlight about 8.3 minutes (0.138 hours) to travel the 150 million kilometers from the Sun to Earth, traveling at almost 300,000 kilometers per second.

How many miles is earth to Mercury?

Mercury is about 48000000 miles (77300000 kilometers) from Earth at its closest

How many kilometers is from Mercury to Earth?

Depending on where Mercury is relative to the Earth as the two planets orbit the sun, the distance from Mercury to Earth varies from 77.3x106km and 221.9x106km.

Distance in between earth and mercury in kilometers?

The average distance between Earth and Mercury is around 77 million kilometers. However, since both planets have elliptical orbits, this distance can vary significantly depending on their positions in their respective orbits.

Traveling at 13 kilometers per second how long to reach earth from Pluto Traveling 23 kilometers per second how long to reach earth from Pluto?

At 13 km/s, it would take approximately 32 years to travel from Pluto to Earth. At 23 km/s, it would take approximately 18 years to make the same journey.

How small is Mercury?

Mercury has a diameter of about 4880 kilometers. In comparison, Venus has a diameter of about 12100 kilometers and Earth has a diameter of about 12750 kilometers. Mars has a diameter of only about 6800 kilometers, but all the other planets are much bigger than the Earth.

How many earth years would it take to travel to Mercury?

it depends on how fast you are going.But if you are traveling on avange speed it would take more than 4.4 billion years to get there.

How far is earth away for mercury?

Mecury is 36 million Kilometers away from the Earth !!!

How many years is earth from planet mercury?

That really depends on what is traveling and at what speed.

What is mercurys distance from the earth in kilometers?

Depending on where Mercury is relative to the Earth as the two planets orbit the sun, the distance from Mercury to Earth varies from 77.3x106km to 221.9x106km.

Distens from Mercury to earth?

The average distance from Mercury to Earth is about 77 million kilometers. However, this distance can vary significantly depending on the positions of the two planets in their orbits.