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Q: How low will standard household freezer go below zero?
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Who is sub-zero?

It means below zero and is also a type of frig/freezer.

What temperature is food in a freezer?

it will assume the same temp at which the freezer is set.

What is the ideal temp in a freezer in Fahrenheit?


What is the correct Fahrenheit for a refrigerator freezer?

The refrigerator compartment ought to be at 39 degrees Fahrenheit; perhaps a degree lower, but no more. Any cooler than that and things in the back part of the fridge may get below freezing, which can cause the food to freeze and get mushy. The freezer ought to be at zero degrees F or so. You can adjust that up a couple of degrees, but not much. If the freezer is more than a couple of degrees below zero, you won't be able to scoop out your ice cream, which would be bad.

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What is the corresponding number for the temperature of -7 degrees below zero?

-7 degrees below zero is 7 degrees above zero.-7 degrees below zero is 7 degrees above zero.-7 degrees below zero is 7 degrees above zero.-7 degrees below zero is 7 degrees above zero.

What is the normal temperature to keep the freezer?

Zero degrees F.

Should a freezer be set at 5 degrees on Fahrenheit?

Keep your freezer at zero degrees (0°) or below to maintain the quality of frozen foods. Most foods will maintain good quality longer if the freezer temperature is -10 to -20°F. At temperatures between 0 and 32°F, food deteriorates more rapidly.

How far below zero is -16 Celsius?

16 degrees below zero.

What is the typical temperature of a household fre?

zero degrees

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What is a good temperature to set a freezer at?

Do you want your ice cream more firm? If so, set your freezer at or around zero degrees Fahrenheit. If you want your ice cream softer, set your freezer at or around six degrees Fahrenheit. This option will allow for easier scooping.