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A rise of 7°

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Q: What is the change in temperature between 15 degrees below zero and 8 degrees below zero?
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What is the answer if the temperature was 90 degrees below zero and dropped 24 degrees What is the new temperature?

If the temperature was 90 degrees below zero and dropped 24 degrees, the new temperature would be 114 degrees below zero.

What State has a year round temp between 50 and 90 degrees?

The state that has a year-round temperature between 50 degrees and 90 degrees is Hawaii. In fact, the temperature rarely dips below 70 degrees.

Why does ice refreeze when pressure is lifted?

Ice will refreeze when pressure is lifted if the temperature is below freezing. Ice will not refreeze if the temperature is above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is between 25 degrees Fahrenheit and 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it will take longer to refreeze, than if the temperature was below zero.

At 5 AM the temperature was 15 degrees below zero By noon it had risen to 13 degrees What was the average hourly increase in temperature?

The temperature increased by 28 degrees from 5 AM to noon (15 degrees below zero to 13 degrees). This change occurred over 7 hours (5 AM to noon). Therefore, the average hourly increase in temperature was 28 degrees / 7 hours = 4 degrees per hour.

What temperature does the NHL keep hockey pucks?

According to the NHL, the ice is supposed to remain between 20 and 22 degrees Fahrenheit; with 22 degrees being the optimal ice temperature. The temperature inside the arena itself is supposed to remain below 65 degrees.

How many degrees is negative 3 degrees Fahrenheit below the freezing temperature of water?

The freezing temperature of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, negative 3 degrees Fahrenheit is 35 degrees below the freezing temperature of water.

What is the difference between Antarctica's and Sahara Desert's temperature?

The temperature of Antarctica can plunge to well below minus 100 degrees F and the temperature in the Sahara may exceed 130 degrees in some areas.

What temperature is 16 degrees below 45 degrees?

The temperature that is 16 degrees below 45 degrees would be 29 degrees. Subtraction is the key here: 45 - 16 = 29.

Is 92.3 a fever?

Well, that temperature is below the normal temperature, witch is 98.6. So, anywhere between 99 degrees and higher is a fever.

40 degrees below zero celsius is what degree fahrenheit?

40 degrees below zero Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which is colder 5 degrees or 3 degrees below zero?

3 degrees below zero is colder, as it is below freezing temperature (0 degrees).

What is the difference in temperature from 10 degrees to 5 degrees below zero?

The temperature difference from 10 degrees to 5 degrees below zero is 15 degrees. This can be calculated by subtracting -5 from 10, which results in 15.