

Best Answer

2 ft / 2 in = 12

12 x 12 x 12 = 1728

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Q: How many 2in cubes can be placed inside a larger cube that measures 2 feet on each side?
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How many 2-inch cubes can be placed completely inside a box that is 8 inches long 2 inches wide and 6 inches tall?

12 cubes in total.

How many cubes are in a 10x10x10 cube?

Assuming that the cubes are 1x1x1, there will be one thousand cubes in the larger cube.

What are bath cubes?

Bath cubes are bath salts in the form of a cube which dissolve when placed in water.

How many larger cubes can you make when you have 100 centimetre cubes?

You can make four.

What happens to surface area to volume ratios for larger and larger cubes?

They grow

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What is the number of 4 cm cubes which can be cut from the solid cube whose edge is 32 cm?

Edge of the larger cube = 32 cm Volume of the larger cube = (32 cm)3 = 32768 cm3 Edge of the smaller cube = 4 cm Volume of the smaller cube = (4 cm)3 = 64 cm3 Since the smaller cubes are cut from the larger cube, volume of all of them will be equal to that of the larger cube. ∴ Total number of smaller cubes × Volume of the smaller cube = Volume of the larger cube ⇒ Total number of smaller cubes = Volume of the larger cube ÷ Volume of the smaller cube ⇒ Total number of smaller cubes = 32768 ÷ 64 = 512 Thus, 512 smaller cubes can be cut from the larger one.

Will ice cubes freeze larger if hot water is used?

no it will not

Can ice cubes freeze water?

Yes, when ice cubes are placed in water, they will lower the temperature of the water, causing it to freeze if the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius). The ice cubes transfer their cold temperature to the water, leading to the formation of ice.

How many 1 centimeters3 cubes will fit inside a box measuring 4 centimeters on each side?

64 cubes,

How many cubes inside a big cubiod?

The answer depends on their relative dimensions.

Which 3D shapes fit together if any?

There are several 3D shapes that fit together to form larger structures. Some examples include cubes, which fit together to create a larger cube, and tetrahedrons, which can be arranged to form larger tetrahedron structures. Additionally, octahedrons and icosahedrons can be combined to create larger shapes as well.