64 if repetition is allowed.24 if repetition is not allowed.
If repetition of digits isn't allowed, then no13-digit sequencescan be formed from only 5 digits.
There are 2000 such numbers.
It is 415968.
Possible solutions - using your rules are:- 11,13,17,31,33,37,71,73 &77
64 if repetition is allowed.24 if repetition is not allowed.
If repetition of digits isn't allowed, then no13-digit sequencescan be formed from only 5 digits.
There are 2000 such numbers.
It is 415968.
There are 2000 such numbers.
Possible solutions - using your rules are:- 11,13,17,31,33,37,71,73 &77
9 odd numbers less than 100 can be formed. They are: 3,5,7,35,37,53,57,73 and 75.
125 There are five choices for each of the three digits (since repetition is allowed). So there are 5*5*5=125 combinations.
20 of them, if repetition is not allowed.
If repetition is allowed . . . . . 343 If repetition is not allowed . . . . . 210
Just six numbers... 345, 354, 435, 453, 534 & 543
15 of them.