4 times
To determine how many times 4 goes into 60, you simply divide 60 by 4. The result of this division is 15, which means that 4 goes into 60 exactly 15 times. This can be calculated by dividing 60 by 4 using long division or a calculator.
Exactly 4 times
264 ÷ 60 = 4 remainder 24
Exactly 33 times
60/15 = 4.
4 with remainder 4.
exactly 4 times. 15 x 4 = 60
4 times
7 with 4 remaining 60 - 4 = 56 = 8 x 7
4 times with a remainder of 4
60/13 = 4 with a remainder of 8 which can be written as 4 and 8/134 with remainder 8.
Exactly 4 times
Yes - 60/4 = 15
4, with 49 left over.
3.9167 times.