You can fit nine 4x4 tiles in one squre foot (3 tiles wide by 3 tiles long). 56 square feet times 9 = 504. Add about 10% for cutting a/o waste (50 tiles) and you should buy around 550 tiles to complete the job. Good luck.
You can't answer how many tile you need since the size of the tile wasn't provided in the question. You will need 100 square feet of tile to cover the area and 10 square feet extra for cuts, breaks, and mistakes. Buy 110 square feet of tile.
12X12=1 Square Foot of tile. You would need 49 Square Feet of tile.
about 276.
0.44444 square feet per tile.
A 6 ft * 12 ft tile will cover 72 square feet.
Another 53.75 square feet of tile would be needed.
You can't answer how many tile you need since the size of the tile wasn't provided in the question. You will need 100 square feet of tile to cover the area and 10 square feet extra for cuts, breaks, and mistakes. Buy 110 square feet of tile.
12X12=1 Square Foot of tile. You would need 49 Square Feet of tile.
Each tile will cover 2 square feet. You have 64 square feet. You will need 32 tiles.
2 square feet per tile.
about 276.
0.44444 square feet per tile.
Each tile covers a square foot. So you need 542, plus some for spoilage and cutting.
Living room 16 feet long by 11 feet wide. How many square feet of wood tile do i need?
The number of boxes required is575/number of square feet covered by the tiles in one box .
About 0.67 sq feet per tile.
Approximately 96 square feet.