You have to find the common denominator for the fractions, so multiply the "half" (2) by the "thirds" (3). These two numbers multiplied with give 6 as a common denominator. Then multiply the 1 by the 3, which will give 3/6ths, and the 2 by the other 2, which will give 4/6ths. Hmmm! it seems that 4/6ths is greater than 3/6ths, so you have to add a whole to the 3/6ths to make a big enough fraction to subtract. Doing that will give you 9/6ths and you can subtract the 4/6ths. So the answer would be 5/6ths. Try it.
6 of them.
Yes. One half is 3/6ths and one third is only 2/6ths. In another way, one half is 0.50 and one third is 0.33.....
You have to find the common denominator for the fractions, so multiply the "half" (2) by the "thirds" (3). These two numbers multiplied with give 6 as a common denominator. Then multiply the 1 by the 3, which will give 3/6ths, and the 2 by the other 2, which will give 4/6ths. Hmmm! it seems that 4/6ths is greater than 3/6ths, so you have to add a whole to the 3/6ths to make a big enough fraction to subtract. Doing that will give you 9/6ths and you can subtract the 4/6ths. So the answer would be 5/6ths. Try it.
6 of them.
12 and 1 half minus 3 and 5 6ths = 8 2/3
6 6ths
4 6ths
4/6ths plus 1/2 = 9/6ths or: 1 & 1/2
Yes. One half is 3/6ths and one third is only 2/6ths. In another way, one half is 0.50 and one third is 0.33.....
Yes it is... one half = three sixths.
1in a half = 1/2
Six of them because 6/6 = 1