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Q: How many Aboriginal languagea are spoken in B.C.?
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Where was Aramaic spoken in four bc?

Aramaic was spoken throughout most of the Middle East. Syriac evolved from it, and eventually Arabic.

What happened in the 400s to 300s BC?

About 200 million people were living in 300 A.D.

What Language was spoken in 1441 bc?

At that time, there were approximately 3,000 different languages spoken on the Earth, including: Ancestral Pueblo languages in North America Hebrew Hindi and many other languages of India Greek Egyptian Chinese Japanese

What was the language spoken 1300 BC?

During 1300 BC, several languages were spoken around the world, but some of the significant ones were Ancient Greek in Greece, Ancient Egyptian in Egypt, Hittite in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), and Sanskrit in the Indian subcontinent.

Where was Aramaic spoken in 4 BC?

In 4 BC, Aramaic was spoken in multiple regions, including parts of the Middle East such as Aram-Naharaim, Mesopotamia, and the Levant. It was a common language used in trade, commerce, and administration across the Near East.

What BC year was spoken language made?

It is believed that spoken language developed around 200,000 years ago among early hominids. However, the specific date when spoken language emerged is difficult to pinpoint with precision.

Which language do you think was spoken by fewest people during 400 bc?

It's difficult to determine the exact number of speakers for any language during 400 BC, but some languages spoken by smaller populations during that time may have included extinct languages like Eteocypriot or Oscan. These languages were spoken in specific regions and did not have widespread usage.

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When was first language spoken -- 6000 BC?

Linguists refer to the first language ever spoken as Proto-World, but it was spoken long before 6000BCE. It is also called Proto-Sapiens, and Proto-Human. The current theory states it was spoken between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago.