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No BTU are required in order to lowerthe temperature of water. All you have to do

is place the water in an environment that is cooler than the water is, then stand back

and watch the temperatue of the water drop while the BTU flow out of it.

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Q: How many BTU are required to lower the temperature of one gallon of water one degree?
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Depends on the temperature of the ice.

How many BTU are required to lower the temperature of the air in a room one degree Fahrenheit?

That would depend on the size of the room and the humidity.

What is the amount of cooling required to low the temperature of a substance through 1 degree Celsius?

The amount of cooling required to lower the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius is known as the substance's specific heat capacity. It depends on the substance's properties and can be measured in joules per gram per degree Celsius (J/g°C) or in joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C).

What is the lower degree 200C or 375F?

The Fahrenheit figure is the lower temperature.

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to reach the required temperature from lower processed temperature.

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The lower the temperature, the higher the degree of superconductivity.

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Do you add a degree when take temperature on forehead?

No.The oral temperature (under the tongue) is a degree lower than central. The newer temporal artery thermometers also take a central temperature.

Is 16 degree Celsius is colder than 19 degree Celsius?

Yes, 16 degrees Celsius is colder than 19 degrees Celsius as the higher the temperature value, the warmer it is.

What temperature is 10 degrees lower than 1 degree C?

-9 C

What will happen if the ignition temperature is lower than the room temperature?

If the ignition temperature is lower than the room temperature, the substance will not ignite or burn spontaneously at room temperature. Ignition temperature refers to the minimum temperature required for a substance to ignite and sustain combustion, so if it is lower than the room temperature, the substance will remain stable at that temperature.

Is the human body temperature 21 degrees celsius?

No, the normal is 37C. Temperature can vary one degree higher or lower and still be normal.