

How many C is 68F?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: How many C is 68F?
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Is 20 C colder than 78 F?

Yes, 20C is colder than 78F. 20C is 68F.

Is 20 C colder than 40 F?

No F = 9/5 C + 32 = 1.8(20) + 32 = 68F which is warmer than 40F

What is the average room temperature in K?

If we assume 'average room temperature' to be 20 C ( or 68F ) then the equivalent Kelvin is 293

How many mph is into the speed of sound?

In dry air (68F) the speed of sound is 343 meters per second

Competition among two carp and two guppy fish for food?

Carp are cold water fish. (Below 68F) Guppies are tropical fish. (Above 68F) They should never be kept together.

What is temperature of a room?

In the United Kingdom room temperature is about 20 Celsius (68F).

What is a room temperature?

In the United Kingdom room temperature is about 20 Celsius (68F).

What is -20C in Fahrenheit?

-20 degrees Celsius is equal to -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is military specialty 68f?

Military Specialty 68F refers to the position of a Physical Therapy Specialist in the United States Army. These specialists provide rehabilitative care to military personnel who have suffered injuries or illnesses. They assist in the assessment, treatment, and prevention of physical disabilities, and help soldiers regain their strength and mobility.

What is the best temperature to go skiing 20c 20f?

Neither one. Snow starts to melt at 0 c, so you'd be looking at really ugly conditions at 10 c. 40 c is a good temperature for water skiing. Minus-10 c would be a fine temperature for snow skiing; minus-40 c would be dangerous because of the risk of cold weather injury.

Which of the following situations would be the least comfortable for a long distance runner?

20 celsius 68f with relative humidity of 90