That depends on what day the year starts. If it starts on a Thursday, there are 53 Thursdays. If it starts on any other day of the week, there are 52 Thursdays.
No year has 51 Thursdays. A year has either 52 or 53 Thursdays. Normally it has 52 Thursdays. If it starts on a Thursday or a leap year starts on a Wednesday, there are 53 Thursdays in the year.
May be 52 or 53. There are 52 Thursdays in year 2010
Two...Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The 5th of June 2013 was a Wednesday and the 19th of December was a Thursday. Starting on Thursday the 6th of June until Thursday the 19th of December, there are 29 Thursdays.
Just May 7th.
When referring to many Thursdays, there is no apostrophe.There were three Thursdays this month between paychecks.When referring to a singular or plural possessive, it does.Thursday's class was cancelled.Thursday's classes were cancelled.
There were 53 Thursdays in 2015.
In 2011, there will be 52 Thursdays.
There were 52 Thursdays in 2012.
November has five Thursdays in years that are not leap years. In a non-leap year, November starts on a Friday, which means there are five Thursdays in the month. This occurs roughly every 6 years in the Gregorian calendar. Some recent years with five Thursdays in November include 2012, 2018, and 2029.
That depends on what day the year starts. If it starts on a Thursday, there are 53 Thursdays. If it starts on any other day of the week, there are 52 Thursdays.
only on thursdays of every other week of every other month of every other year.
There is one Thursday in a week.