Not enough information to answer. This depends on many variables i.e. type and size of machine, length of grass fitness off operator.
Tractor 1 mows 25/4 acres per hour, tractor 2 mows 25/5 acres per hour, ie between them they can mow 6¼ + 5, 11¼ acres per hour so 25 acres will take 25/11¼ ie 2 and 7/9 hours.
Exactly 0.459 acres.
128 acres
he can mow 6 lawns he can mow 6 lawns
John Deer.
Depends on the location, overhead, clients and many other factors. Between $20-$55 / hour
Tractor 1 mows 25/4 acres per hour, tractor 2 mows 25/5 acres per hour, ie between them they can mow 6¼ + 5, 11¼ acres per hour so 25 acres will take 25/11¼ ie 2 and 7/9 hours.
pull the cord. lay in front of iht. &* then have someone mow over you..The way I mow is to mow around the perimeter a couple times to give some turn around room. Then one time I mow in long rows east to west. Then the next time I mow in long rows north to south. This makes for a more even looking lawn. I use a rider mower to mow about 1.5 acres. You can adjust the methods for your size lot.
i would say up to $100 $125 all the way up to $200.
.97 acres.
AnswerThe Kubota ZG20 is amasingI would recommend the Craftsman Professional PZT 9000
Exactly 0.459 acres.