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In a right triangle there is only one acute angles.

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Q: How many acute angles are in a right triangles?
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How many triangles have at least two acute angles?

All of them

How many acute angles in a square divided into four equal triangles?

An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. Dividing a square into four equal triangles would not have any acute angles since they would all be 90 degrees. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle.

How many acute angle are in a rectangle?

There are no acute angles in a rectangle which has 4 equal interior right angles

How many do all triangles measure?

I'm pretty sure all triangles measure 180 degrees because they have three angles that are either acute, right, or obtuse angles and the triangle has to be either an equilateral, iscoceles, or scalene triangle.

How many right acute and obtuse angles does a trapezoid have?

It can have 0 or 2 right angles, 1 or 2 acute or obtuse angles.

Can a triangle have three acute angles?

Yes. Many triangles can for example, an equalateral triangle

Triangle with all angles less than ninety?

In plane geometry, all triangles have the sum of the angles to be 180 degrees. So There are many triangles with all the angles less than 90. ( if one angle is more than 90 degrees, then its called 'obtuse' , if all the angles are less than 90, then its called 'Acute' ). Two types of triangles with angles less than 90 degrees are Equalaterial and Isocoles. ( Equalaterial have two equal angles, Isocoles have three equal angles, all 60 degress ). You can think in terms of sets: The subset of Triangles is Acute, The subset of Acute Triangles is Equalateral, The subset of Equalateral Triangles is Isocoles. {Triangles{Obtuse|Acute{Equlaterial{Isocoles

How many acute angles does the rhombus have?

A rhombus will either have four right angles, or two acute angles and two obtuse angles.

How many acute angles the Jamaican flag have?

Their four triangles in the Jamaican flag

How many triangles can be constructed if 3 acute angles are given?

Normally just the one triangle but as many as you like providing that the given 3 acute angles add up to 180 degree.

How many right angles does a w have?

None it only has acute angles

What do you write when classifying triangles?

there is many ways to write when classifying a triangle, you can classify it by its sides or angles. When you classify it by angles you can classify it by acute, obtuse, and right triangle. when classyfing it by sides its isosceles, equilateral, and scalene!