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Those two are completely unrelated; it doesn't make sense to convert them.

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Q: How many amps are in one degree?
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How many amps is a 14 AWG of 105 degree C wire rated for?

14 AWG of 105 degree Celsius copper wire is rated for twenty-five amps.

How many amps can 14awg 105 degree C carry?

A wire with the stats 14awg and 105 degrees Celsius can carry up to 39 amps.

How many amps in one quart?


How many amps are there in 20 Mega amps?

There are 20 million amps or 20,000,000 amps.

How many volts are in sixty amps?

Amps are related to voltage in the following equation: Watts = Volts * Amps; so in order to answer your question, one would need to know the wattage.

How many degrees is a degree?

One degree is one degree. One degree Celsius is 1 4/5 degrees Fahrenheit One degree Rømer is 41/20 of a Kelvin or Celsius degree

How many watts is 20 amps?

Twenty amps is zero watts. You are missing one value. W = Amps x Volts. <<>> It depends on the resistance and the draw current in the electrical circuit.

What size service entrance conductors do you use for a 200amp service?

3/0 copper wire with 90 degree insulation is rated at 210 amps. 75 degree insulation is rated at 200 amps.

How many amps are in 40 volt amps?

Multiply the vots by the amps to find the volt-amps. Or divide the volt-amps by the voltage to find the amps.

How many amps gives you 0.1amps?

.1 amps will give you .1 amps.

How many amps in Mega Watt?

One Megawatt = 1,000,000 watts. Watts = Volts x Amps or voltage x current. Hence if you know the voltage then Amps = 1,000,000 watts / Volts.

500kva how many amps given capacity?

500 KVA how many amps? almost 650 Amps according to formula.