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Q: How many animals are in the world today?
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Are there any Cyclopean animals in the world today?

nope non that i have heard of

How many animals are there in this entire world?

There are 8.7 Million animals in the world

How many animals are there the whole world?

You cant count how many animals there are in the world because every day about 6 to 10 animals are born.

How many animals are they?

There are more than 10000000000 species of animals in the world.

How many animals are their in the world?

No one knows how many animal are in the world there are many species in the world not be discovered yet

How many dancing bears around the world?

They performed in a circus and the circus has gone the way of the model T. Today, it has been realized to have animals do things like dancing it is abuse.

What animals is most independence?

There are many independent animals in the world. There is no one most independent animal in the world. though.

How many animals that have already discover in this world?

There about 7.3 million of animals that are discovered.....

Are animals today related to animals 65 millions years ago?

There were no animals 65 million years ago. God did not create the world until between 4000 and 6000 B.C.

How many animals were killed in World War 1?

about 30,000. most of them were parrie animals and wheatfelid animals.

How did animals evolve into modern animals?

Animals ended up evolving in to the modern day animals today because the work use to be connected together into one big supercontinent then it all separtated into smaller continents and eventually became like the world we know today. As all the continents separated the animals changed as well. This is because the climates changed as the continents changed so the animals evolved to suit those conditions. For example most of the native animals of Australia are very different to the ones anywhere else in the world this is because Australia has been separated from the rest of the world for an extremely long time so the animals have evolved differently from animals anywhere else in the world.

How many airplanes are there in the world today?
