Over 132 million according to UNICEF and other sources suggest closer to 143-163 million world wide
UNICEF estimates the number of orphans at 210 million in the world by 2010. This includes the estimated 86 million orphans in India, 44 million orphans in Africa and 10 million orphans in Mexico.
it is easy just study
why too many to count, but if you ask Census how many PEOPLE are in the world, they will know about how many. estimate
Well, all I know is that there are over 100 in Egypt, it blows my mind to think how many are in the world!
There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in the world.
The country with the most the most female orphans is Belgium. The orphans learn how to make a mean belgium waffle. It is also believed that many orphans posses the ability to make the best cherry syrup in the world.
New World Orphans was created on 2009-01-13.
No one knows exactly how many orphans are in the world because the number changes constantly. Estimates say that about 152 million children are orphaned world-wide.
When We Were Orphans has 313 pages.
dont know the numbers, maybe No one Knows. but I am sure its TOO MANY
Orphans of Chaos has 320 pages.
Zimbabwe has the most orphans in the world percentage wise. 13 percent
She was a missionary to Assiout, Egypt and she opened one of the largest orphanages in the world today. By her death she had around 10,000 widows and orphans put together!
No. Most orphans go to straight couples, particularly in 2014, now that Russia will not allow gay couples to adopt their orphans.
orphans become orphans when they lost their parents
about 11 million