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Q: How many auto accidents occur per day in Houston?
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Related questions

How many deaths occur daily from auto accidents?


How many car accidents occur each day in the US?

That is impossible to answer accurately because so many auto accidents go unreported to either police or insurance companies.

How many car accidents in Houston?

the no. of accidents in it+1-1

How many people die in auto accidents?

40,000 people die yearly in auto accidents in the US. On average about 89 people are killed daily in auto accidents.

How many deathts are due to car accidents yearly?

You can find your answer here:

How many auto accidents typically occur over Labor Day weekend?

Statistically, there are more accidents that happen on holidays than other days of the year. According to recent statistics, a report from 2010, suggests close to 500 fatalities from traffic accidents occurred over Labor Day weekend.

How many auto accidents happen while backing up?


How many people died in auto accidents?

According to the World Health Organization about 3000 people die in crashes each day around the globe due to auto/car accidents.

How many canadians have lost their lives in auto accidents this year?

99 99

How many people were killed in auto accidents?

In the U.S. there were 34,000 killed in 2010.

How many auto collisions occur?

a lot

How many train accidents occur in a typical year?

Over a thousand train accidents occur per year in Canada. In 2009 alone, there were 1038 accidents. Almost 50% of these were non-main-track train derailments. Almost 18% were crossing accidents, and these crossing accidents resulted in 19 fatalities.