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Q: How many babies were born in 1993?
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How many babies born in 1 second?

There are 1,987,645 babies born in 1 second!

How many babies are born in a minuit?

4-6 babies.

How many babies are born in only one minute?

About 150 or 160 Babies are born a minute! =)

How many babies where born in Ellis Island?

* == 558 babies were born in Ellis island :b

What are the release dates for Stolen Babies - 1993 TV?

Stolen Babies - 1993 TV was released on: USA: 25 March 1993

How many babies were born in Australia in 2006?

1 or more babies

How many new babies are born in a minuite?

4-6 babies.

How many babies are born in Europe in a year?

12 babies a year

How many babies are born per minute in rich countries?

There are 255 babies born every minute in the world. In the year 2007 there were 6.6 million babies born.

How many babies were born in 1983?

There were millions of babies born in October 1983 all over the world. On October 31st, there was almost 400,000 babies born in the US.

How many gay babies are born?

About 3% to 8% of all babies are gay.

How many babies a year are born with dwarfism?

One in 10 thousand babies are born with Dwarfism every year.