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Bags of what? Grass seeds? Cement? Sugar?

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Q: How many bags do you need for 2 yards?
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2 cu ft equals how many yards?

I need one and a haft yards of sand. If the bags hold 2 cu feet how many bags do I need

How many 5 cubic bags of sand do you need to make 2 yards?

You need10.8/(the number of cubic feet of sand in each bag) bags.

If I need 12 yards of mulch how many bags would I need if bags hold 2 cubit ft?

There are 9 cu ft in a yard x 12 = 108 then divide by 2 = 54 bags

How many bags of mulch of 2 cu ft do i need to cover 49 yards?

1 cubic yard is 3x3x3 = 27 cubic feet 49 yards = 49x27 = 1323 cubic feet 1323/2 = 661 bags - that is a lot of bags! Make sure by yards you mean actual cubic yards, not linear yards, in which case you need to know depth and width of mulch as well

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How many bags would you need to make 2 yards at 2cu.ft?

1 yard = 27 cu ft; 2 yard = 54 cu ft at 2 cu ft per bag, that is 54/2 = 27 bags

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They need to eat 2 square yards.

How many 2 cubic feet bags of mulch do you need to equal 6 yards of mulch?

When it comes to mulch or concrete, a so-called "yard"actually means a "cubic yard".1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet2 cubic yards = 54 cubic feet...6 cubic yards = 162 cubic feet ( = 81 bags )

How much fabric would you need The tutorial instructions says that you need 2 yards so how many meters is it?

2 yards is about 1.83 meters.

How many yards of sand do you need for 100 square feet at 2 inches deep?

.617 Yards

How many 2 cubic feet bags of mulch is equal to 4 yards?

1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet 4 cubic yards = 108 cubic feet Since each bag contains 2 cubic feet of mulch, the required number of bags is 108/2 which is 54

What is the rule to find how many yards are in 8 yards?

If there are eight yards total, and you need to know how many yards there are, then count them. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. There are eight yards in eight yards.