

How many base does an triangle have?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Q: How many base does an triangle have?
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How many bases in a triangle?

There is only one base in a triangle

How many Base in Triangle?


How many sides does a triangle have in its base?

A triangle has three sides in total. If it has more than three sides, it is not a triangle. One of the three sides is called the 'base' ... usually the side that the triangle is resting on.

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With a triangle base there are four sides including the base

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When calculating area what are the similarities between triangles and parallelogram?

Parallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*Height

What polyhedron has a base of a triangle?

A tetrahedron, a triangle based pyramid, an octahedron, an icosahedron plus many more.

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Every prism has a base. For a triangular prism the base is a triangle.

Can a median triangle also consider as a base?

The median of a triangle cannot be considered as a base of that triangle.

The area of a triangle is 6 square feet. The base is 3 times the height.What is the base of the triangle?

The base of the triangle is 6 feet

How many lines of symmetry has an isoscles triangle have?

The isosceles triangle has one line of symmetry, the perpendicular bisector of the base

What is the bottom of the triangle called?

The bottom of the triangle is typically referred to as the base of the triangle. All triangles have a base.