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Q: How many blocks does it take to build 4370 sq ft house?
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They used 2.3 million blocks of stone

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The question is... how big are the blocks?

How many blocks can build 3 bed room self contain?

The number of blocks needed to build a 3-bedroom self-contained house can vary depending on the size of the rooms, the design of the house, and the thickness of the walls. On average, a 3-bedroom self-contained house may require anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 blocks. It's essential to consult with a structural engineer or architect to determine the exact quantity needed based on the specific plans and requirements of the construction project.

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How many blocks are needed to build a 5ft x 62 ft wall?

The answer depends on how big the blocks are! The answer depends on how big the blocks are! The answer depends on how big the blocks are! The answer depends on how big the blocks are!

How many levels are there in the pyramid of Khufu?

Thee are 2.3 million limestone blocks used to build the praymid Kufu. There are 1.3 million blocks are used to build the praymid Khafre.

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Researchers estimate that 2.3 million blocks were used to build the Great Pyramid!

How many cement blocks would it take to build a 10764 feet wall perimeter at 8 feet high?

The answer depends on the size of the cement blocks which are not an international standard.