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Q: How many brothers and sisters do wisin y yandel have?
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How many kids does wisin y yandel have?

Wisin has a girl and a boy and Yandel has two boys. :)

How many children do wisin y yandel have?

Yandel has 2 boys Adrian and derek

What genre of music does Wisin y Yandel make?

Wisin y Yandel is a reggaton duo out of puerto rico. Many American hip hop artists are influenced by reggaton artists such as Wisin y Yandel. This is great music to dance to.

How many album wisin y yandel have?

Wisin y Yandel hane 17 albums there is also a new 1 comin out on July 3,2012 called Los Lideres

How many albums do wisin y yandel have?

They have in total 8 albums.

How many Grammy Awards did wisin y yandel win?

9 or 5

Who is wisin y yandel?

They are puertorican singers. The best of the best. They both have wife's. And no they are not related. Unlike many duets they have stuck together and won many awards.

How many sisters and brothers did James Madison have?

He had 11 brothers and sisters.

I have as many brothers as sisters but each of my sisters has only half as many sisters as brothers How many brothers and sisters are there in your family?

There are 4 brothers and 3 sister's all up. Assume your one of the brothers - hence you have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. However any one of your sisters, would have 4 brothers and 2 sisters.

Riddle Brother says I have as many brothers as sisters Sister says I have three times as many brothers as sisters How many brother and how many sisters are there?

There are three brothers and two sisters.

In a family each brother has as many sisters as brothers but each sister has twice as many brothers as she has sisters. How many brothers and how many sisters are there in this family?

One sister, two brothers

How many are there if you have as many brothers as sisters and your brothers have twice as many sisters than brothers?

One brother, two sisters ( if you're the second brother)