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depends on the size of the buss.

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Q: How many busses does it take to fill the amazon?
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If 1944 people need 36 busses to take them to a football match.972 people need 18 busses how many busses will 648 people need if all busses carry the same amount of people?

This is your homework and we don't do homework for students. If you need support or suggestions we will gladly provide it, but you need to figure this out. Using our brains doesn't help you learn.

What rhymes with trusses?

Busses rhymes with trusses. Let's use the word in a sentence: Since Mitch Longley didn't have a car, he was forced to take the busses.

How many apples does it take to fill a car?

it takes 100,000,000 apples to fill a car

Which bus can take you from the British Museum to Regent's Park?

The 18 and the 29 busses can take you from the British Museum to Regent's Park.

How many gallons does it take to fill a tire?

It takes 7 gallons to fill a entire tire!

How many quarters will it take to fill a 1 pound coffee can?

That sounds like an excellent math experiment - see how many quarters it takes to fill one inch of the can - then multiply out how many inches tall the can is so you can know about how many quarters it will take to fill the whole can!

How long does it take to travel by Greyhound to Denver, Colorado from Duluth, Mn?

Going by greyhound can double or triple how long it would take you by car even on the routes with less stops meaning it could take 60 hours travel time and you will likely be sleeping on the busses and changing busses along the route.

How many gallons of water does it take to fill a lock?

I was able to fill my master lock with just 3cc.

How many people dose it take to fill up a bus?

to many to count

How many goldfish does it take to fill a blender?

It depends,and why are you doing that??;)

How many sheep does is take to fill a phone box?

The number of sheep that can fit in a phone box would depend on the size of the box and the size of the sheep. As a rough estimate, assuming an average phone box size and average sheep size, you could fit around 10-15 sheep in a phone box.

How many minutes does it take to fill a plane with gas?
