[1] dumbnut Fat Albert
Albert Einstein had one sister named Maria Einstein but Albert called her Maja
5 places albert enstein lived
Albert Einstein had 3 (three) children with his first wife. .
He had no children with elsa but they raised Albert children from his previous marriage 
Holes don't fill things up, they empty it
It was about a lucky man who made the grade, also some sad news about an auto crash, and someone had to count all 4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. But, now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall. All from the Lyrics to, A Day in the Life.
Current (as at April 2010) safety restrictions limit the number of people to 5,544. The actual number that can get in the hall will vary - for example when tennis is being played there the number of spectators will be much lower as the court takes out all of the stalls seating.
In the denouement of many tragedies, the main character dies. The denouement of her career came in October, when she sold out Royal Albert Hall.
Approx 246576 cubic inches.
not specific
Yes, there are many books about Albert Einstein.
6 !!
Maximum seated capacity since renovations in the late 1990s is 5,222. If the arena and gallery are used as standing areas (as in the Proms) the capacity rises to 6,000
There have been six kings called Albert. They are Albert I of Belgium, Albert II of Belgium, Albert I of Germany, Albert II of Germany, Albert I of Saxony and Albert of Sweden.