In computing terms, the following units are used... 1mb = 1024kb 1kb = 1024 bytes 1 byte = 8 bits 4 bits = 1 nibble.
5 bits, since 2 to the power 5 equals 32.
10000 bytes 80000 bits 0.01 Mbytes etc
Perhaps you mean 4 bits at a time, I guess its a nibble
The mantissa holds the bits which represent the number, increasing the number of bytes for the mantissa increases the number of bits for the mantissa and so increases the size of the number which can be accurately held, ie it increases the accuracy of the stored number.
1 bytes is 8 bits so (17/8) = 2.125 so round up to 3 full bytes
only uses one byte (8 bits) to encode English characters uses two bytes (16 bits) to encode the most commonly used characters. uses four bytes (32 bits) to encode the characters.
2 bytes 8 bits in a byte
4 kilobytes equals 32,768 bits.
1 byte = 8 bits 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes = 8192 bits 2 kilobytes = 2048 bytes = 16384 bits
40 bits or 5 byrtes
No. The "byte" is much larger: A "byte" consists of 8 "bits". 4 bytes would equal 32 bits (4 x 8)
1 Terabyte equals 1099511627776 Bytes
524288 Bytes equals 512 Kilobytes
A word. It equals 2 bytes. A Long Word is 32 bits long.
Bytes. (B = bytes. b = bits.)