Would depend on what the breakdown is for a "B".
100 - 5 = 95
100 - 10 = 90
100 - 15 = 85
100 - 20 = 80
100 - 25 = 75
100 - 30 = 70
100 - 35 = 65
100 - 40 = 60
100 - 45 = 55
100 - 50 = 50
The answer is 198. explanation: If a < b then number of numbers strictly between a and b is b - a -1. So, 1002 - 992 = (100-99)(100+99) =199.
Your grade will be about 18%. You can find this my dividing and then multiplying by 100. First you divide 2 over 11 and then you multiply by 100 to get a whole number. (2/11= .181818. .1818181 * 100=18.181818 and round to 18%) Hoped that helped!
question: find the percentage A is of B = (B-A)/B x 100 . You must then take the answer and subtract it from 100 to get the correct answer, which would make the formula: (B-A)/B x 100 = C, 100 - C = percentage A is of B for example, find what percentage 57 is of 90: B - A 90-57=33 /B 33/90=0.3666 x 100 0.3666 x 100 = 36.66. 100 - 36.66 = 63.33, which is the percentage that 57 is of 90
p = 100*a/b To calculate the value of a as a percentage of b, multiply a by 100 and then divide by b.
a%b = a*b/100
80%, a B in most cases.
Depends on how many were possible. For instance on a test of 100 questions 80% would be a B.
your grade would be 80% or a B-
You doth whatthou heat desires, though if one missed 45 questions in one's test, one would be doubtful of acheiving a B.
How many characters are in miss louisa and the outlaw by frances B watts
According to my grade calculator out of a 80 question test the break point would be 40 for a D-, 43 D, 46 D+, 50 C-, 53 C, 56+, 60 B-, 63 B, 66 B+, 70 A-, 73 A, 76 A+. This is the number correct out of the 80 possible. So, for your 93% you could miss 4 questions.
According to my grade calculator with a 60 question test your break point would be 30 for a D- and a 57 for an A+, so an 80% would 47 correct questions and that means you would get a B and that is missing 10 questions.
Let the numbers be a and B Then, a + b = 100 and the a - b = 37 a2 - b2 = (a + b) (a - b) = 100 *37 =3700 I have been preparing for my GMAT from www.examville.com, so i have a good practice of math questions.
you get an F according to all this math I did. PLease don't edit or change this. The answer is "B", as previously stated.
Miss Hunter Young
Miss Polly B--ch--rd. has written: 'The adventures of Miss Polly B--ch--rd'