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Q: How many centime ters in one inch?
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How much is one centime compared to one US cent?

You've got to give the country that uses the centime. Centime is used primarily as a one cent coin in French speaking countries.

How many 32ths there in one inch?

There are 32 32nds of an inch in one inch.

How many thousandths equal one inch?

There are one thousand thousandths of an inch in one inch.

How many units in one inch?

One, if the unit is an inch!

How many mm in one inch?

There are 25.4 millimeters in one inch.

How many inches equals 1 inch?

One inch equals one inch.

How many cenitmeters are in one inch?

one inch = 2.54 centimeters

How many centermeters are in one inch?

2.54 centimeters are in one inch.

What is cents?

'Cents' is an abbreviation of centime which means one hundredth of something, most often a monetary unit.

How many half inch in one inch?

Two of them

How many one eighths in one inch?

There are 8 one-eigths in 1 inch.

How many mini meters are in an inch?

There are 25.4 millimeters in one inch.