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Q: How many choices per question on a scantron?
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How much are scantron forms?

Scantron forms typically range in price from $0.20 to $0.50 per form, depending on the quantity purchased and specific type of form needed. Bulk purchases may offer discounts on the per-unit cost.

How many questions can you answer per question on this?

one per question

How many per kilometer per hour?

The question does not have enough information in it to properly answer it. (How many "what" per kph.) Please restate the question.

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Asking a multiple choice question without providing the choices doesn't really seem fair.

How many calories should you have per day when you are thirteen?

About 1,400 caloires, with moderate exercise and healthy choices.

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Asking a multiple choice question without providing the choices seems a little unfair.

How many points taken off for each question on a 100 question test?

1 per question.

How many questions can you miss out of 120 to score a 160?

If you score 1 per question, then you can miss out -40. If you score 10 per question, then you can miss out 104. If you score 100 per question, then you can miss out 118.

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Is this a trick question?

How many different choices are possible if you use 24 bit per pixel?

2²⁴ = 16 777 216 Over sixteen million

How many calories per day for a 14-year-old young lady?

About 1,400 to 1,600 calories, with moderate exercise and healthy choices.

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