There are 26 different letters.
There are 10 different numbers.
If a letter or number is allowed to repeat in the code:
Number of ways to make 3 letters = 26 x 26 x 26 = 17,576
Number of ways to make 2 numbers = 10 x 10 = 100
Number of ways to make 3 letters and 2 numbers = 17,576 x 100 = 1,757,600
Each group of 3 letters and 2 numbers can be arranged in (5 x 4 x 3 x 2) = 120 different ways.
So the number of different codes = 1,757,600 x 120 = 210,912,000 .
If a letter or number is not allowed to repeat in the code:
Number of ways to make 3 letters = 26 x 25 x 24 = 15,600
Number of ways to make 2 numbers = 10 x 9 = 90
Number of ways to make 3 letters and 2 numbers = 15,600 x 90 = 1,404,000
Each group of 3 letters and 2 numbers can be arranged in (5 x 4 x 3 x 2) = 120 different ways.
So the number of different codes = 1,404,000 x 120 = 168,480,000 .
If the numbers and letters can be repeated then there are 45,697,600 possible outcomes. If the letters and numbers can not be repeated there are 32,292,000 possible outcomes.
Just 2. The letters are all known as variables and the numbers are just numbers. Even though there are different numbers and letters, they all represent the same things.
4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24 of them.
tak-kee plasstic compnany prints a 2-letter code on each of its products. How many different 2-letters codes can be formed using the 26 letters of the alphabet if the two letters must be different?
The password for beating bumble numbers 2 to go to the next game is draw4 for only trying to beat bumble numbers 2.
If the numbers and letters can be repeated then there are 45,697,600 possible outcomes. If the letters and numbers can not be repeated there are 32,292,000 possible outcomes.
Without repeating, 4. With repeating, 8.
Just 2. The letters are all known as variables and the numbers are just numbers. Even though there are different numbers and letters, they all represent the same things.
The number of 3-letter codes that can be formed without repetition is equal to the number of choices for the first letter (4 letters), multiplied by the number of choices for the second letter (3 letters), multiplied by the number of choices for the third letter (2 letters). Therefore, the total number of 3-letter codes that can be formed is 4 x 3 x 2 = 24.
Post codes in UK are as follows. In the first part, the first 2 letters are the postal city, the numbers are the city's postal area, The second half relates to a group of numbers on a street. Find them all at the link below.Additional info, not all post codes begin with two letters, some such as Liverpool (L), Birmingham (B) and Glasgow (G) have only one initial letter.
4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24 of them.
Constants for numbers, variables for letters
tak-kee plasstic compnany prints a 2-letter code on each of its products. How many different 2-letters codes can be formed using the 26 letters of the alphabet if the two letters must be different?
676,000 but I don’t know why
The first letter can be any one of 26 letters. For each of those . . .The second letter can be any one of the remaining 25 letters.There are (26 x 25) = 650 different 2-letter codes.