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Q: How many coldcall touches does it take to make a contact?
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How many syllables are in touches?

The word "touches" has two syllables.

How many touches has multi-touch?

iphone supports 5 but a standard multitouch supports only 2 touches at a time.

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You will have to contact Ruger to find out.

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7 7

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10 states

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miley touches her hair at least 15 times in the music video party in the USA

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there are 4 generations of ipod touches

How many human touches do you need a day?

7 because 7 is good

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When someone flirts with you do they make eye contact?

Yes, making eye contact is a common behavior during flirting as it can convey interest and connection. However, some people may feel shy or nervous and may not maintain constant eye contact while flirting.