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There are 252 combinations.

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Q: How many combinations in sets of 5 using the numbers 1 thru 10?
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How many 6 numbers combinations can you make from 1 2 3 4 5 6 and you can use multiple combinations and you have 6 sets of 1 - 6 like a briefcase lock?

The answer is 6^6, or 46656.

How can there be in the many 7 combinations can there be in the digits 1 through 9?

If you mean how many different sets of 7 can be made from 9 numbers, the answer is (9 x 8)/2 ie 36.

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How many 7 number combinations in 10 numbers?

Without repeating any of the numbers (each used once) = 120 unique "sets" of 7 numbers (i.e. 1234567, 1234568, 1234569, 1234560, 1234578, 1234579, 1234570, 1234589, 1234580, 1234590) If the order matters, you have a much larger number of combinations. (see below) Each of the 120 sets can be arranged in 5040 ways. For a set of N numbers, the possible combinations using K numbers is N! / K! x (N-K)! 10! = 3,628,800 7! = 5040 (10-7)! = 3! = 6 The shortcut is (10 x 9 x 8) / (3 x 2) = 720/6 = 120 --- For rearrangement of numbers (ordered sets), there are 604,800 possible numbers N! / (N-K) ! = 10! / 3! = 3,628,800 / 6 = 604,800 --- For unlimited repetition, there are 10,000,000 (1 x 10^7)

How many sets of numbers go into 20?

Three sets

How many different sets of four numbers can you get from six sets of numbers?

6 if order doesn't matter

How many unique sets of 6 can you get from 1 to 28?

It looks like you are asking how many combinations of 6 numbers are there in the 28 numbers 1 through 28. This is known as the number of combinations of 28 things taken 6 at a time. The answer is 28!/(6!22!) (n! means n factorial, which is the product of all the integers from 1 to n). I get 376,740 if I haven't made an error in arithmetic.

Is there a website where you can entry 40 specific numbers and get all sets of 6 combinations?

I doubt it. You can get 7,676,760 different groups of 6 numbers out of a bucket of 40 numbers. No website is going to give you that much output for a single input.

How many times can you get 6 sets of numbers from 1 to 28 what are these sets of numbers?

There are 376740 such sets and you must think me crazy if you think I will list them all!

How many sets of 3 consecutive numbers in 12 hours?

There are eight sets of 3 consecutive numbers in 12 hours.

How many sets in 1-200 in composite numbers?

There are approx 5.709*10^45 possible sets of numbers that can be made out of the composite numbers in 1 and 200.

How many sets of numbers can you get from he numbers 4 5 6 7?

from the numbers 4567 we can have 24 numbers