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There are 46,150 possible committees.

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Q: How many committees of four can be formed from 20 Republicans and 15 Democrats if at least one Republican and at least one Democrat must be on the committee?
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What is the ways and means?

The United States House of Representative's Committee of Ways and Means is the chief tax-writing committee in that house. The U.S. Constitution specifies that all tax-related bills must originate in the House, and it is House procedure that these bills all pass through the Ways and Means Committee. As a result, the committee is very influential, and has great power in Congress. Members of the Ways and Means Committee cannot serve on any other House Committees without being granted a waiver from their party's congressional leadership. The Committee has jurisdiction over all taxation, tariffs, revenue-raising, Social Security, unemployment benefits, Medicare, enforcement of child support laws, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, foster care, and adoption programs. The current Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee is Republican Dave Camp of Michigan.

A committee of 4 people is to be formed from a group of 15 employees How many different committees are possible?

This is a combination problem; use the nCr formula. nCr = 15! / ((15-4)!*4!) nCr = 15! /(11!*4!) nCr = 1365

When choosing a committee composed of 3 members from among 12 candidates is the number of possibilities the same as choosing a committee of 9 members from among 12 candidates?

3-member committees from 12 candidates = (12 x 11 x 10) / (3 x 2) = 220 committees9-member committees = (12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4) / (9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2) = 220 committees.By George! That's right!

If there is a 9 member committee what is quorum?

A quorum is whatever the rules of the committee say, or the rules of the bigger organization that appointed the committee and to which the committee reports back.

How many syllables does committee have?

Committee has three syllables.

Related questions

Is John McCain Chairperson for any US Senate Committees?

No, this session, the 110th Senate Sessions, all committee chairperson appointments were made by the Democrats. Although there are 49 Republicans, 49 Democrats, and 2 Independent Senators, Lieberman sided with the Democrats giving the Democrats a 50-49 advantage over the Republicans in deciding which Party could appoint the committee chairs. McCain is the ranking, i.e. Senior, Republican on the Senate Committee on Armed Services Check the link below for more information on John McCain, the committees he is on, his voting record, and more.

How are the numbers of republican and democrats on each committee decided?

The number of republicans and democrats on each committee are decided by the majority party. The party with more senators or representatives has more members on each committee.

Which of the following committees is exceptional in always having an equal number of Republican and Democrat members?

According to AM Gov 2012 textbook: "Committees that deal with the ethical behavior of members, such as the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct in the House and the Senate's Select Committee on Ethics, are exceptions to these rules, containing equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats."

Do Republicans make up a majority of the membership of all House Committees.?

No. Since the Democrats control the House, they get to appoint a majority of the committee members.

Do Republicans make up a majority of the membership of all House Committees?

No. Since the Democrats control the House, they get to appoint a majority of the committee members.

Assigns democrats to standing committees in the senate?

steering committee

When was the Last Republican senate majority?

The Republicans had Senate majority until the 2006 Congressional Elections when Democrats took the majority. The National Republican Senatorial Committee works to gain a Republican majority Senate, hoping to in the 2010 Congressional elections.

What is the Republican National Committee's monthly digest of information for Republicans called?

It is called The Republican

Who has the powers to introduce tax bills and appropriations?

The appropriations committees ultimately have power and are the ones permitted to introduce tax and appropriation bills. The new Committee on Appropriations has six Republicans and three Democrats and was appointed on December 11, 1865.

Why are all of the chairman Republican?

In the US congress, the party that holds the majority gets to select the chairmen & women, and decide who will run important committees. In the 2014 mid-term elections, the Republicans won the most seats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate; so, as the majority party, they became able to name members of their own party to all of the major committees. When the Democrats controlled the Senate or the House (or both), it was their party that named these committee leaders.

The Republican National Committee publishes a monthly digest of information for Republicans called .?


The Republican National Committee publishes a monthly digest of information for Republicans called what?