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Q: How many cubes are visible from the top view of the rectangular prism?
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How many cubes are in a rectangular prism?

Depends on the dimensions of the prism, and how large of cubes they are.

The rectangular prism is 4 cube by 2 cubes How many cubes make up the prism?

A rectangular prism that is 4 cubes by 2 cubes is made up of 8 cubes.

You have a rectangular prism. The Height is 5in, the Length is 9in. and the Width is 3in. How many 1/3 in. cubes can fit inside the Rectangular prism?

45 cubes I believe

How many a quarter inch cubes can fit in a rectangular prism?

The answer obviously depends on the size of the prism!

How many one half unit cubes are needed a fill a rectangular prism?

The answer depends on how large the prism is.

How many more blocks are visible from the top view of a 24 cubes rectangular solid than a 30 cubes rectangular solid?


How many edges of a rectangular solid with 4 cubes high by 8 cubes wide by 6 cubes deep are visible from the front view?


How many small cubes are needed to fill in a rectangular prism?

depends the size of the rectangular prism work out the length then the width and the height LxWx= volumewhat ur question is asking is basically: whats the volume of a rectangular prism?hope i helped! XD! x

How many cubes would it take to make a model of a rectangular prism that is 3 units long 2 units wide 4 units high?

24 cubes 1x1x1

How many rectangular prisms can you make with 2 cubes?

Just one, although the orientation of the prism might vary.

How many unit cubes are in the rectangular prism?

It depends on the unit. You could, for example, measure a prism in cubic metres, cubic centimetres, cubic nanometres.

How many vertice a rectangular prism have?

A rectangular prism has 8 vertices. A rectangular prism is a cuboid and that has 8 vertices. A rectangular prism will have 8 vertices.