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The answer depends on their relative dimensions.

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Q: How many cubes inside a big cubiod?
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What is the surface area of 5 cubes?

that depends on how big the ice cubes are, advice: pay attention in class!

How many cubes of 2 cm side will be needed to make a cube with side 20 cm?

There are 10 small cubes along the length, along the width and along the height of the big cube. There is, therefore, 10*10*10 = 1000 cubes.There are 10 small cubes along the length, along the width and along the height of the big cube. There is, therefore, 10*10*10 = 1000 cubes.There are 10 small cubes along the length, along the width and along the height of the big cube. There is, therefore, 10*10*10 = 1000 cubes.There are 10 small cubes along the length, along the width and along the height of the big cube. There is, therefore, 10*10*10 = 1000 cubes.

How much small cubes can fit in 1 big cube that is 20 by 20cm?

To calculate the number of small cubes that can fit in the big cube, we need to consider the volume of both cubes. The volume of the big cube with side length 20 cm is 20^3 = 8000 cubic cm. If each small cube has a side length of 1 cm, then the volume of each small cube is 1^3 = 1 cubic cm. Therefore, we can fit 8000 small cubes inside the big cube.

How big are ice cubes balls?

Never question the size of them

If you hade 1200 cubes how big of a cube would that make?


How man bread cubes in 1 cup?

Depends how big you cut them.

How big is a cube?

Cubes may be any size as long as they have six equal sides.

What are aperture science weighted storage cubes?

Aperture Science weighted storage cubes are those big blocks you pick up and put down on the red buttons in Portal.

Where are the ice cubes on panfu big foot quest?

It is in the ice cream parlor and you have to throw loads of water balloons at the machine to get ice

Why does your penny hold so many drops?

it is big inside but small out side

How many ice cubes does it take to build a igloo?

it all depends how big you want it usally it takes 40 big ones! well the last on i did it took 43 and it turned out really kooli love you alot lolyou are a queer and a gaywad

How many kittens can you fit inside an average sized pillow case?

About 94 if they is big enough