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At least one, usually two.

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Q: How many curved sides do all lens have?
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Do only shapes with curved faces begin with the letter C?

No. Example: A cube has no curved sides. A cylinder has curved sides but not all shapes with curved faces begin with c.

What does it mean to have closed polygons?

All sides are connected and there are no curved sides.

Why are circles not polygons?

a polygon has all closed sides and no curved sides

How many curved sides on a square?

none! If it is a square, then all of the sides are straight...

What shapes have no sides?

All shapes have sides. Including a circle which has one curved side.

How many curved faces do a trapezoid have?

a trapezoid has no curved faces it is all straight faces

Which mirror is used for security?

the answer is convex lens! to find this out you should know that concave lens are curved outward and convex lens are curved inward! i hope this helped and if it didn't i would like to apologize for not answering your question, now i bid a fine fairwell to all!

Do all quadrilaterals have at least one pair of curved sides?

No, because all quadrilaterals have 4 straight sides.

Can a square have curved side?

no, because the main charcteristic of a square is that all the sides are equal. If there was a curved side, it would be a polygon, not a square.

Is a circle a polygon with curved sides?

No, all polygons have straight lines. All lines are straight

What is the difference between lense and lens?

"Lense" is a misspelling of "lens," which is the correct spelling referring to a curved piece of glass or other transparent material that focuses or disperses light rays.

If you had a project on how all quadrilaterals are alike how would you do it?

You could say they all consist of angles, never curved, and all have 4 sides...