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Q: How many day are in 3 weaks?
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how many weaks in year?


How many days are left until Halloween this year?

there are 40 days 5 weeks and 5 days left until halloween

How would you learn A Hot Day by asj tessimond in 2 weaks?

By applying yourself to the task and practice

What actors and actresses appeared in 7 Weaks - 2009?

The cast of 7 Weaks - 2009 includes: Evan York

What's the life span of a housefly?

two weaks

Is drack and Nicki manj mared?

No SweetHeart they were married for a day. They did it just to say they did it. nd his name is spelled DRAKE and hers is Nicky Minaj. -Ashlyn Weaks

How long did it take to get from marseilles to israel on the exodus there and back?

4 weaks

When is the spring wipeout coming?

I am sure evrybody is wondering. When is spring wipeout starts. Tuesday march 1st folowd by 2 weaks of rearuns. Two weaks after tha last episode of winter wipeout.

Why is the stem of aquatic plant weak?

as the flowing water make the stem weaks

Last weaks cbbc roar cheat codes?

water1=bales of hay

What does echoes christ in latin mean?

the main , to like the weaks more. to revive the regularity to the most.

Is club penguin going to be at Disney World?

yes only for the first two weaks of may