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8.218125 to the tenth power.

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Q: How many days are in 225 million years?
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How many years and months is 590 days?

590 days = 1 year and 225 days, and 225 days are about 7.5 months.

How many days ago did the dinosaurs live?

Dinosaurs existed 65.5 million years ago. Back then, a day was about 23 hours. Saying that an average day between modern times and the dinosaur age was 23.5 hours, and a year is 365.25 x 24 hours, then the dinosaurs died out about 24,431,500,000 days ago.

How long have dinosaurs been around for?

From 225 to 65 million years ago 225 million - 65 million = 160 million BC So that means dinosaurs have been on the earth for 160 million years.

What is the name of the super continent that broke up about 225 million years ago?

The supercontinent that broke up about 225 million years ago is called Pangaea.

What was the supercontinent that began to break apart about 225 million years ago?

The supercontinent that began to break apart about 225 million years ago was Pangaea.

When was the formationof pangaea?

225 million years ago !

What was the name of the continent that existed 225 million years ago?

the name of the continent that existed 225 million years ago was pangaea

When was the landscape dominated by ferns?

225 million years ago

How long is the California plate boundary?

225 million years

How many days is 225 hours?

1 day = 24 hours 225 days = 5,400 hours

What was the name of the landmass found on Earth 225 million years agowhat was the name of the landmass found on Earth 225 million years ago?

The name of the landmass found on Earth 225 million years ago was called Pangaea. Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.

The pieces of the supercontinent pangea began to drift apart about 225 million years ago?

Yes, about 225 million years ago, the supercontinent Pangaea started to break apart due to the movement of tectonic plates. This movement eventually led to the formation of the continents we have today.