225 x 24 = 5,400 hours.
24 hours in a day225 x 24 = 5,400 hours
590 days = 1 year and 225 days, and 225 days are about 7.5 months.
3 hours & 45 minutes
8.218125 to the tenth power.
225 x 24 = 5,400 hours.
24 hours in a day225 x 24 = 5,400 hours
590 days = 1 year and 225 days, and 225 days are about 7.5 months.
3 hours & 45 minutes
225 hours.
venus has 225 of our days in a year
About 225 Earth days.
3 hours and 45 minutes
Venus takes about 225 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun.
Well, their day length is 5,832 hours and their year is 225 days
it takes venus 225 earth days to rotae on its axis to the un and it takes earth 12 hours.'
It takes Venus about 243 Earth days to complete one full rotation on its axis. This means that a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus, which is about 225 Earth days.