days in 4 years 365x4 = 1460 days
days in 5 weeks 5x7 = 35 days
total days 1460 + 35 = ?
Assuming that any one of these years is a leap year, then 4 years 15 weeks is equal to (365 x 3) + 366 + (15 x 7) = 1566 days.
110 days = 15 weeks and 5 days.
the answer is 1565 days a year has 365 days in it and a week has 7. 4 years have 1460 days because 365 * 4 = 1460 and 15 weeks have 105 days because 15 * 7 = 105. 1460 + 105 = 1565. if one of the years was a leap year then the answer will be 1564.
1,565 days 365 x 4 = 1460 days. 15 x 7 = 105 days. 1460 days + 105 days = 1,565 days.
There is no exact answer for this question, since we have no way of knowing when the next leap year will be in any random 63 years. We can make a good guess, though. Since leap year comes about every 4 years, in 63 years, there will be about 15 extra days for leap years. So... (63 years * 365 days/year) + 15 leap year days = 23,010 days 23,010 days/ 7 days/week = 3287.1429 weeks OR 3287 weeks and 1 day
1566 days
Assuming that any one of these years is a leap year, then 4 years 15 weeks is equal to (365 x 3) + 366 + (15 x 7) = 1566 days.
Making the assumption that one of those four years is a leap year, 4 years and 15 weeks is equal to (3 x 365) + 366 + (15 x 7) = 1566 days.
104 days is about 15 weeks.
110 days = 15 weeks and 5 days.
15 weeks 105/7=15
the answer is 1565 days a year has 365 days in it and a week has 7. 4 years have 1460 days because 365 * 4 = 1460 and 15 weeks have 105 days because 15 * 7 = 105. 1460 + 105 = 1565. if one of the years was a leap year then the answer will be 1564.
There are 7 days in one week. Therefore, 15 weeks is equal to 15 x 7 = 105 days.
There are 7 days in one week. Therefore, 15 weeks is equal to 15 x 7 = 105 days.
1,565 days 365 x 4 = 1460 days. 15 x 7 = 105 days. 1460 days + 105 days = 1,565 days.
There are 7 days in one week, so 15 weeks will be: 15 * 7 = 105
There is no exact answer for this question, since we have no way of knowing when the next leap year will be in any random 63 years. We can make a good guess, though. Since leap year comes about every 4 years, in 63 years, there will be about 15 extra days for leap years. So... (63 years * 365 days/year) + 15 leap year days = 23,010 days 23,010 days/ 7 days/week = 3287.1429 weeks OR 3287 weeks and 1 day