It depends on when you start - whether in a leap year or not, whether your time span includes a xy00 year or not. So there is no simple answer.
There are about 1460 days in 4 years not including leap years.
114 years, with a remainder of 125 days (not including leap years)
Including leap years: 24,115,500,000 days.
36,890. (Including leap years)
There are about 1460 days in 4 years not including leap years.
20 leap years.
114 years, with a remainder of 125 days (not including leap years)
Including leap years: 24,115,500,000 days.
36,890. (Including leap years)
Leap year every 4 years, so there are 10 leap years: (365 x 40) + 10 = 14,610 days
25,567 (including an extra day for leap years).
4748 days.
13,149 including 9 leap years.
There are about 208 weeks in 4 years including a leap year but each year has an extra day but a leap year would have two extra days (208 weeks + 6 days about).