65 days
Between January 27 and March 20 there are 52 days, except in a leap year where there would then be 53 days.
If you were born on August 20 2000 you would be 3491 days old on March 12, 2010.
This question was submitted, and is being answered, on January 28. If today is zero, March 20 will be the 51st day.
Between January 26 and March 20 there are 53 days.
From December 28 until March 20 there are 82 days inclusive.
85 days.
The total number of days between Thursday, December 20th, 2012 and Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 is 90 days.
The total number of days between Thursday, December 20th, 2012 and Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 is 90 days.
65 days
192 days
89 days.
140 days from March 20 is Saturday, August 7, 2010.
The battle lasted for 2 days. It was fougt on March 19, 1836 - March 20, 1836
From October 20, 2009 (today), there are 131 days until the next March 1 (in 2010).