This question was submitted, and is being answered, on January 28.
If today is zero, March 20 will be the 51st day.
As of today, Feb 19 2010 there are 22 more days until March 13th 2010.
Assuming the current date of March 23, 2010, there are 16 days until April 8, 2010, including today.
There are only 30 days in April. Including 30/04/2010 and 17/06/2010, there are 49 days.
31 days until Mar 9th.
39 in a standard year 40 in a leap year
As of today, Feb 19 2010 there are 22 more days until March 13th 2010.
156 more days until August 7 2010, from MArch 4, 2010.
As today is the 3rd January, 2010, there are another 63 days until March 7th, 2010.
its on march 14 2010
Assuming the current date of March 23, 2010, there are 16 days until April 8, 2010, including today.
2010 is over, so there are no more days left in it.
On March 1, 2010, the person was 4,121 days old. Add one more for each day after March 1.
Months are not a fixed number of days, but March 7, 2010 was 8 months and 20 days after June 15, 2009. The calculation uses "full months" of various lengths, ending with the 8th full month on February 15, 2010. From there, you have 13 days more in February and 7 in March. The actual number of days not including the starting day is 264 days.
3 more days until November 18 2010 (from Nov 15 2010).
4 weeks (28 days) and 3 more days
As today is January 13, 2010 there are 6 more days until January 19, 2010.
11 days from today, February 26, 2013.