24 months have either 730 or 731 days, depending on whether or not the period includes a leap year day. The average number of days in 24 months of the Gregorian calendar is 730.485 days.
There are approximately 4.3 weeks in a month. 24/4.3 = approximately 5.5 months. If you convert to days, 24 weeks is 168 days, divided by 30.4 days average per month also yields about 5½ months.
1 year = 12 months 24 years = 24 x 12 = 288 months to convert to weeks or days, you may try below link.
Average at 30 days per month.30,000 hrs (1 day/24 hrs)(1 month/30 days)= 41.7 months or 41 months and 21 days==========================
24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.
24 months have either 730 or 731 days, depending on whether or not the period includes a leap year day. The average number of days in 24 months of the Gregorian calendar is 730.485 days.
342 days would be 11.2 average months (30.4 days), or 23 or 24 days less than a full year.
March 1991 is the 16th month after November 1989, but there is not a full 16 months between the days. March 8, 1991 was 469 days after November 24, 1989, or 15 months and 12 days. (Nov 24 to February 24, and 12 days more)
5 months and 23 days
24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.24 years and almost 8 months.
Six months generally have 63 days. each day has 24 hours. Hence, 6 months have 1512 hours.
There are 24 hours per day, so let's divide: 150 / 24 = 6.25 days Since this number can be contained in a month, we need to set which kind of month it is. In a month with 30 days: It is .2083 months. In a month with 31 days: It is .2016 months. In a leap-year February: It is .2232 months.
60. (31 for January and 29 for February)
You can solve it in this way, 12 months = 1 year 1 year = 365 days (approx.) 1 day = 24 hours .: 12 months = 24 * 365 =8760
5.6 months.
3 months?
24 months 2*12 = 24