April has 30 days in the modern Gregorian calendar.
April always has 30 days. of course it does i was born in that month
April is a month that contains 30 days. For every one day in April, we have 24 hours. So a multiplication problem should yield our answer. 30 Days/April x 24 Hours/Day = 720 Hours/April.
720 hours. 30 days multiplied by 24 hours.
'30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 'cept for Febuary all alone that has 28 days clear and 29 each leap year30
April has 30 days in the modern Gregorian calendar.
April always has 30 days. of course it does i was born in that month
i only know the month's 5 for month's
There are 31 days in the month of May. Both April and June have only 30.
April is a month that contains 30 days. For every one day in April, we have 24 hours. So a multiplication problem should yield our answer. 30 Days/April x 24 Hours/Day = 720 Hours/April.
April, the fourth month of the year on the Julian calendar, has 30 days. It is one of only five months to not contain 31 days. Interestingly, before 45 BC, April only contained 29 days.
720 hours. 30 days multiplied by 24 hours.
30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 except February.
It depends which months. February has 28 days, 29 on leap years, September, April, June and November all have 30 days, and every other month has 31. On average it is about 60 days.
'30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 'cept for Febuary all alone that has 28 days clear and 29 each leap year30
Every month has at least 28 days. 28 days : February (29 in leap years) 30 days: April, June, September, November 31 days: January, March, May, July, August, October, December
February 1986 had 28 days.