On today's date, April 22, 2011, you would be 14,062 days old.
24 days
There are seven days in a week.
There are 321 days in 321 days.
There are 99991416 days in 1416 days.
29 days. Nice little trick to figuring this out: if the year is divisible by 4, February has 29 days. (1972/4=493)
14480 days.
There were 4: 1916 1944 1972 2000
On today's date, April 22, 2011, you would be 14,062 days old.
Together for Days was created in 1972.
Dancing Days was created in 1972.
On the 19th of December 2008 you would be 13,308 days old. You would have been born on a Thursday.
The cast of 17 Days Down the Line - 1972 includes: Marvin Kupfer as himself
On the day the question was asked, the 28th of November 2011, the answer was 14,423 days ago. On the day the question was answered, the 28th of November 2014, the answer was 15,519 days ago.
Emergency - 1972 One of Those Days 5-9 was released on: USA: 8 November 1975
Between July 9, 1971 and January 16, 1973 there were 557 days. Jul 9 - Dec 31 = 175 days 1972 = 366 days (leap year) Jan 1 - Jan 16 = 16 days