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The degrees in two lines depends on the position of the two lines.
If one of their ends join to form a corner of a square, then the degrees are 90o (a right-angle). Need more information.

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Q: How many degrees are in two lines?
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Lines that cross each other at 90 degrees are perpendicular lines.

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Zero. A null angle is formed by two straight lines that coincide.

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Perpendicular lines intersect each other at 90 degrees

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Orthogonal lines are two lines which are perpendicular, i.e. 90 degrees, to each other.

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A perpendicular are two straight lines that cross each other at a right angle, and the angle perpendicular position is 90 Degrees L .

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Perpendicular lines * Two lines that create an angle of 90 degrees and the product of their slopes is -1.

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90 degrees

How many degrees is a perpendicular line?

Perpendicular lines meet at 90 degrees

What are perpindicullar?

Perpendicular lines * Two lines that create an angle of 90 degrees and the product of their slopes is -1.

What are two straight lines that cross each other at a right angle?

Perpendicular Lines are two straight lines that intersect to form a 90 degrees or an right angle.Regards,

Give 3 classification of technology?

"right angle" is two lines that intersect at 90 degrees "acute angle" is when 2 lines meet at less than 90 degrees "obtuse angle" is when lines meet at an angle more than 90 degrees , a straight angle is when 2 lines meet at exactly 180 degrees.