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The Sun advances 15 degrees an hour; that is, 15 degrees every 60 minutes. You can base your calculations on that. If you live near the equator, after sunset the Sun will move directly downwards; if you live at higher latitudes, for example in Europe, the Sun moves at an angle, so while it will still move (for example) 15 degrees in an hour, it will not be 15 degrees below the horizon.

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Q: How many degrees has the sun moved below the horizon after 22 minutes?
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0 degrees. No -- this is a trick question. At 6:00 the hands are at 180 degrees, but by the time the minute hand has moved to 30 minutes the hour hand has moved on to half way between '6' and '7', so the angle between the hands is 360/24 degrees = 15 degrees.

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