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Q: How many degrees minutes hand rotate in 3 hours?
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How many degrees does the minutes hand on an analog clock rotate in 15 minutes?

Forty five degrees.

How many degrees does an hour hand rotate in 10 minutes?

On an ordinary clock, with 12 hours on the face, the hour hand rotates360 degrees in 12 hours30 degrees in 1 hour = 60 minutes1/2 degree per minute5 degrees in 10 minutes

How many degrees does the minute hand rotate in 30 minutes?

It moves through 15 degrees every 30 minutes.

How many minutes does it take the hour hand of a clock to rotate through one degree of revolution?

The hour hand of a clock completes a full revolution every 12 hours, which is equivalent to 720 minutes. Therefore, to calculate how many minutes it takes for the hour hand to rotate through one degree, you divide 720 minutes by 360 degrees, giving you 2 minutes per degree.

How long does it take the hour hand to move to 6 degrees?

The hour hand moves 360 degrees in 12 hours so 6 degrees takes 0.2 hours = 12 minutes.

How long does it take the hour hand to maove1 degrees?

The hour hand takes twelve hours for a complete circle, 360 degrees. Twelve hours is 12x60 minutes = 720 minutes. If 360 degrees takes 720 minutes, 1 degree takes 720 divided by 360. 720/360 = 2 minutes.

How many times minute hand rotate in 24 hours?

Minute hand will rotate 1440 times in 24 hours.

How many degrees will the minute hand of a clock rotate through in 8 hours?

2880 degrees 1) One rotation of the minute hand is 360 degrees. 2) One rotation is completed in 1 hour. 3) So in 8 hours the minute hand will go through 8 x 360 degrees = 2880

How many degrees does the hour hand of a clock turn through 120 minutes?

720. in 60 minutes, the hour hand on a clock turns a complete circle, or 360 degrees. since 120 minutes is 2 hours, the hour hand would make 2 complete turns, which is 360 degrees twice, which is 720 degrees.

How many degrees does the hour hand of a clock rotate?


How many degrees does a clock minute hand turn in 20 minutes?

Since a clock hand turns 360 degrees in 60 minutes, it will move 30 degrees in 5 minutes and 120 degrees in 20 minutes.

What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time is 3 hours 40 minutes 20 seconds?

This problem can be solved as follows: The angle Ah of the hour hand of a clock, measured from the position at noon or midnight when the hour and minute hands exactly coincide, is Ah = (360 degrees/12 hours)th, where th is the time in hours, including fractions of hours, because the hour hand moves the entire 360 degrees around the clock in 12 hours. Similarly, the angle Am of the minute hand = (360 degrees/60 minutes)tm, where tm is the time in minutes only, including fractions of minutes. The stated time is 3 + 40/60 + 20/3600 hours = 3.672222... hours and the angle is therefore about 110. 11666666... degrees, using the formula above. The time in minutes only is 40 + 20/60 = 40.33333...., so that the angle of the minute hand is 242 degrees. The difference between them is therefore about 131.833..... degrees, or in fraction form 131 and 5/6.