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Q: How many degrees does the hour hand of a clock rotate between 4pm and 9pm?
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How many degrees does the hour hand of a clock rotate?


How many degrees does the minutes hand on an analog clock rotate in 15 minutes?

Forty five degrees.

What Angle do the hour hand and the minute hand make when it is six o' clock?

The full circle of the clock is 360 degrees. The distance between any two figures on the clock is therefore 360 ./. 12 = 30 degrees. When it's 6 o'clock there are six figures between the hour hand and the minute hand, so 6 x 30 = 180 degrees.

An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how may degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon?


What is the relationship between a degrees in rotation and an hour on the clock?

The hour hand on a standard 12 hour clock rotates one twelth of 360 degrees in one hour. That is 30 degrees.

How many degrees does an hour hand rotate in 10 minutes?

On an ordinary clock, with 12 hours on the face, the hour hand rotates360 degrees in 12 hours30 degrees in 1 hour = 60 minutes1/2 degree per minute5 degrees in 10 minutes

How many degrees will the minute hand of a clock rotate through in 8 hours?

2880 degrees 1) One rotation of the minute hand is 360 degrees. 2) One rotation is completed in 1 hour. 3) So in 8 hours the minute hand will go through 8 x 360 degrees = 2880

How many degrees does the minute hand of a clock turn in 1 hour?

The minute hand of a clock turns about 360 degrees each hour.

When Looking at a standard wall clock at the time of 630 AM what is the angle in nearest degrees created by the minute hand and the hour hand?

15 degrees, each number is separated by 30 degrees (360/12) so if it's a standard wall clock the hour hand will be halfway between 6 and 7 and the minute hand will be pointed at 6, therefore the angle created is half that between the numbers i.e. 15 degrees.

How many degrees does the clock hour hand pass through between 1 am and 6 am?

45 Degree

What is the angle between the hands in a clock when the time is 3.15?

There are 30 degrees between the numbers on a clock face - therefore, if the time in hours has passed by a quarter of an hour, then the difference in angle between the head of the hour hand and the head of the minute hand would be 30 x 1/4 = 7.5 degrees.

What angle of degrees on a clock is it at 630?

15 degrees. Minute hand is pointing to the 6 and the hour hand halfway between 6 and 7, which themselves are 30 deg apart.